分类: 渗透测试

25 篇文章

Box Info OSWindowsDifficultyMedium As is common in real life Windows pentests, you will start the Administrator box with credentials for the following account: Username: Olivi…
Box Info OSWindowsDifficultyHard As is common in real life Windows pentests, you will start the Vintage box with credentials for the following account: P.Rosa / Rosaisbest123 …
Box Info OSLinuxDifficultyEasy Nmap Scan nmap alert.htb -sC -sV -T4 -Pn 开放端口:22、80,httpserver是Apache 进入80端口的网页,发现存在Markdown文件上传 根据题目名称Alert猜测,应该与XSS漏洞有关 Subdomain Fuzz ffuf -w…
Box Info OSLinuxDifficultyEasy User.txt 进入网页,点击Security Snapshot,可以看到url进入到了/data/4,下面存在download路由,将其下载下来,并没有任何东西 尝试遍历/data目录下的数字,在/data/0发现不同的文件 使用wireshark进行查看,发现在FTP协议中存在账户…
Box Info OSWindowsDifficultyEasy Nmap Scan 发现靶机存在smb网络文件共享服务 使用smbclient连接,发现以下的目录 并且在HR的目录下发现了一个txt文件 Dear new hire! Welcome to Cicada Corp! We're thrilled to have you join o…